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Replicate OCT-457 on int

Work on “Neaaaxt tasks” from handover notes –

Speak to Dave abt mockups/designs for co-author features, then reversioning when done with co-authoring, currently doing visualisation stuff but maybe could take a break from that?

Check which text on octopus could be condensed/reduced – will need to run past alex

Search feature tickets need fleshing out – date filters/recency, sorting, pub type, date, language, author, keywods, ratings, affiliation, funded, funder, license type

Need to re-spec task to interate our rest API with cambridge’s repository “Apollo” (dspace 7). As part of this we’d build resourcesync endpoint. See email!

They want to receive metadata & possibly a file (need to determine which outputs exactly) from octopus. In particular do they need a PDF? Link? Metdata?

Need to confirm which (of their) document types it’ll be set as

Do we need to flag specific octopus publications to send them in? Need to identify Cambs ROR or affiliation with uni. Cambridge/ Cambridge uni (and any other permutations)

Also look at researcher employment from Orchid?

Steve in our team runs pubrouter which does something pretty similar

Approval step of some form needed either on octopus side or dspace side

Doing approval step in octopus could be nice. Need new user class etc. (institutional user) who has ability to go into a special institution area and filter octopus outputs by institution name/ror/affiliation and to see a list of them and able to select some/all. Also allow manually adding one by one without searching?. Provide export options e.g. download as PDF, use API endpoint to grab all selected, etc.

Also allow metadata fields to be mapped within octopus

What happens with changes/versions? How would these send over to cambridge’s system?

Look into dspace and resourcesync!

Resourcesync allows a consistent link to be used, but will this work for PDFs etc.?

OAIPMH is something we may need to work with – just pulls out everything

UKRI neeed report on various KPIs e.g. number of publications uploaded, viewed, etc. Need to bump these numbers up!

Need to get IRUS (jisc data service) installed on Octopus

Initial mailings about seed data done/hop on and start using the system

Roadmunk meeting with Siobhan(?)

Look on intranet about product lifecycle management – see pg 8/9 of handover notes. All about keeping service robust, making sure people have what they need & everything secure etc.

Bonner Mchardy doing collateral/branding – John to chase

Check out product hub on sharepoint – got all sorts of info around product mgmt., essential info etc.

Jiscrewards – speak to HR as it seems account hasn’t been set up properly

Ticket in backlog to work out if we use separate amplify for test vs prod. Currently they use the same config/amplify instance so changes made on test are also applied to live

Discuss with mark about managing deploys so they don’t take site down (if we change front and back end, cant sync up when front end & back end update, leading to a few mins potential downtime whilst one end updated and other hasn’t yet)

Systems pending access:



Freshworks/internal support tickets platform (error processing SAML response)

Jisc rewards


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