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Research Problem
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Real World Application

Health, Safety, Environment and Wellbeing

Publication type:Research Problem
CC BY 4.0
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This problem is a UK government area of research interest (ARI) that was originally posted at by a UK government organisation to indicate that they are keen to see research related to this area.

Health, Safety, Environment and Wellbeing

There are international and national guidelines and regulations, which are designed to protect the health of workers by restricting occupational exposure to ionising radiation. We are interested in radiation epidemiology and radiobiology studies which look to understand whether these guidelines and regulations remain valid for workers involved in our nuclear decommissioning mission.

We recognise that whilst our decommissioning is carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations, there are still some risks. We are therefore interested in new technologies and techniques that move humans away from harm (NDA Grand Challenge 3), both radiological and conventional hazards, whilst allowing decommissioning activities to be carried on. This can be autonomous systems such as, robotics or remotely operated systems.

We are interested in research that would reduce the NDA group’s impact on the environment. This includes both lifecycle analysis as well as technologies and techniques that reduce our CO2 emissions, energy usage, other discharges to the environment and impact on flora and fauna around our sites.

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This Research Problem does not have any specified conflicts of interest.