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S&T Skills – The complex challenges faced by Defence requires a multidisciplinary approach. However of particular interest is access to those specialist skills relating to nuclear, energetics and explosives, autonomy, aerodynamics, big data and cyber. There will a continuing demand for systems engineering skills to harness and integrate technology for military advantage. Within Defence there are opportunities for engineering and scientific apprenticeships, industrial placements and summer student placements which all provide the opportunity to work on challenging but exciting problems.

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This problem is a UK government area of research interest (ARI) that was originally posted at by a UK government organisation to indicate that they are keen to see research related to this area.

S&T Skills – The complex challenges faced by Defence requires a multidisciplinary approach. However of particular interest is access to those specialist skills relating to nuclear, energetics and explosives, autonomy, aerodynamics, big data and cyber. There will a continuing demand for systems engineering skills to harness and integrate technology for military advantage. Within Defence there are opportunities for engineering and scientific apprenticeships, industrial placements and summer student placements which all provide the opportunity to work on challenging but exciting problems.

Defence of the UK is critically reliant on access to an appropriately skilled and trained workforce. Demographic changes in the UK, combined with a range of technology advances are likely to change the role of the human in future military tasks – this will demand new skills and different ways of attracting people to join the Defence Enterprise.

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