Research Topic
Language: English
This is a research topic created to provide authors with a place to attach new problem publications.
Research topics above this in the hierarchy
Research problems linked to this topic
- Relationship between extremism and integration, dynamics of friendship/familial and community relationships, and links between hate crime, other societal crimes and extremism.
- How can behavioural science be applied to deter, detect, and disrupt terrorists using or targeting transport systems?
- Combating illicit markets.
- Understanding how SOC markets work, and how they interact and impact each other
- Understanding, deterring and mitigating the possible impact of any particular CBRNE event.
- Links between extremism and terrorism
- Nature and prevalence of links between SOC and drug trafficking / modern slavery Understanding when and where criminal or terrorist behavior is likely to occur, how to deter it, and associated ethical questions.
- Novel methods of predicting/detecting explosive manufacture.
- What can we learn from local authority social cohesion strategies about what works to counter-extremism, promote greater community resilience, tolerance and trust? And what benefits does this bring to a place?
- What are the drivers of extremism and what works to reduce radicalisation? How effective are de-radicalisation interventions? What factors have a strong influence on the de-radicalisation of individuals?
- Effectively safeguarding those vulnerable to radicalisation
- First responder capabilities and approaches to decontamination and recovery.
- Role of identity and religious faith in promoting and countering extremism Characteristics and drivers of prominent extremists and those with wider extremist sentiment; levels and regional variations.
- Role of mainstream and social media in promoting / countering extremist communication, and in recruitment.
- Understanding which individuals are at risk of becoming offenders (and/or victims), for what reasons and at what stages of their lives.
- The elements of preventative programmes that are most effective, with whom, when and why.
- What technologies can be used to prevent crimes online, including the online mobilisation towards violence and terrorism?