Environmental, social and governance policy
Research Topic
Language: English
This is a research topic created to provide authors with a place to attach new problem publications.
Research problems linked to this topic
- Horizon scanning and futures: Challenges to the UK can be varied and diverse, ranging from manmade deliberate actions by foreign states to naturally occurring events such as flooding, soil erosion and so on. Assessment of current and future challenges will need to be combined with risk management approaches
- How can maritime and shipping contribute to the UK goal of net zero GHG emissions by 2050 and the goals of the UK Clean Air Strategy, while capturing the green-growth potential?
- What outcomes do public service broadcasters (PSBs) bring about as a result of their distinct public service remit including economic, societal, security, democratic, environmental and international considerations? What is the role of the PSBs in the wider media market?
- How can DWP best contribute to net zero by driving reductions in emissions through work and pensions policies, estates and operations?
- What is needed to ensure that the asset base is robust enough to reduce the
- Are there alternative regulatory models to encourage innovation and minimise chemical use and regulatory burdens?
- What do we know about the public acceptability of necessary restrictions such as counter disease measures? What lessons are applicable from public acceptability of the coronavirus restrictions to the animal and plant health domain?
- How will different groups of society, particularly in rural communities, be affected by changes associated with the move towards Net Zero and the goals of the 25 Year Environment Plan? How can positive effects be adopted more widely and negative impacts be mitigated?
- How are new and emerging geospatial technologies supporting market growth and wider economic, social and environmental value?
- How do we better prepare for the scale and frequency of future incidents? Including assessing our collective capacity and integrating incident management
- What actions would most effectively and efficiently improve the status of the natural environment and secure economic, social, and health benefits domestically and globally?
- To what extent is the market and actors within it able to withstand environmental and climate shocks to deliver a continuous and reliable service?
- What are the most appropriate methodologies and indicators to measure the environmental and economic benefits of deploying and maintaining repair and maintenance systems when protecting cultural assets? What are the benefits of this?
- What are the most relevant emerging technologies for maritime and shipping (e.g., autonomous vessels)? What are the risks and opportunities for the UK across economic, social, and environmental dimensions?
- How do network providers, internet service providers and mobile connectivity providers plan and consider the risks of climate change within the UK to the longevity of infrastructure? Are their considerations and plans sufficient for the expected extent of climate change?
- How will consumer preference and demand for sustainable modes and products develop?