Trial (court)
Research Topic
Language: English
This is a research topic created to provide authors with a place to attach new problem publications.
Research problems linked to this topic
- Understanding the contribution of forensic techniques to the Criminal Justice System, within investigations and in court, including issues such as attrition of cases in the system.
- How do different individuals and groups perceive their experiences of legal aid services? How does this vary by the nature of their legal problem, advice and support acquired, jurisdiction and outcome?
- What are the outcomes of receiving legal aid, and how do they vary by the type of service and time at which they were provided? What are the long-term outcomes for those who access and those who do not, but are eligible for legal aid?
- What does ‘ideal’ judicial diversity look like? What promotes, enables, and sustains diversity within senior levels of the judiciary? At what point within a career path does enabling activity lead to greater future judicial diversity?
- What are the reasons for case attrition and what works to avoid it, for different case types? What are the impacts of case attrition on victims, particularly for serious violence and sexual abuse cases?
- How can we better understand flows into the courts and tribunals system, reasons for entry, and the impact of external organisations and their activities?
- What impact do eligibility criteria for judicial roles have on recruitment and diversity, and does this enable sustainability of the judiciary? What motivates individuals to apply for, and remain within, judicial roles?
- How can we better understand the opportunities and impact of the use of digital technology on those engaging with the courts and tribunals system?
- How does case progression, case timeliness, cost-to-access (where appropriate), and eventual outcome vary by jurisdiction and case type? What works, at which stage, and for whom, to improve the efficiency of case progression?
- How can we measure the quality of case outcomes across different jurisdictions, types of cases, and for the individuals and organisations involved? Including whether the court or tribunal was the ‘right’ method of resolution.
- What are the career pathways and recruitment journeys into the judiciary? How do protected characteristics and social mobility affect recruitment?
- How can we define and measure procedural justice and (subjective) fairness? How does this vary by jurisdiction, and protected characteristics?