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What are the most effective school management practices relating to staffing, resourcing, finances, and purchasing? What tools and approaches provide the most support to school leaders carrying out these practices?

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This problem is a UK government area of research interest (ARI) that was originally posted at by a UK government organisation to indicate that they are keen to see research related to this area.

What are the most effective school management practices relating to staffing, resourcing, finances, and purchasing? What tools and approaches provide the most support to school leaders carrying out these practices?

Our goal is to create a world-class school system that ensures every child is taught a broad and ambitious knowledge-rich curriculum by highly skilled teachers, so they can achieve their potential. We need to continue to develop the evidence base around effective teaching practice and curriculum design, with teaching increasingly viewed as an applied science (akin to medicine) where evidence-based approaches are widely utilised, and skilled teachers draw upon expert support and professional communities. We also need to build our understanding of how best to replicate the success of high performing schools, and how school trusts can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their schools, including through management of the school estate. A key part of this is building evidence on the most successful school approaches to improving attendance.

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